Friday, December 18, 2020

Second Trimester Essential

Hi gais!
just want to share
what i have for my second trimester
this entry might be reference for my next baby
currently im already in my 20w
here goes my list

1) Iberet folic 500
supplement ni beli dekat pharmacy
consume a tablet a day an hour before meal
OR two hours after meal
the price is only rm22.50
satu kotak ada 30 tablets
memang untuk makan sebulan
KK tak provide supplement ni ya
sebab dia a little bit pricey
biasanya KK provide obimin / zincofer
but the main purpose of the supplements are same
which is to increase your hemoglobin level

2) D'aura minyak kelapa dara (VCO)
bought this on shopee for RM55, refer here
comes together with a bottle of D'aura softgels
ada 80 kapsul dalam satu botol
kapsul tu untuk makan
good for your inner health
meanwhile minyak tu untuk sapu dekat perut
need to take care of your tummy's skin now
sebab dalam fasa mengembang kan
we dont want it to be scarred with stretch mark
kulit perut memang akan extra kering
dan itchy for some people
jadi minyak / lotion perut memang wajib!
sapu pagi after mandi and before tido
i sapu before tido je
because i cant stand with coconut oil's smell

3) Susu tepung Similac Mom
bila dah pregnant ni hari-hari kena minum susu
at least a glass a day
apa-apa brand susu pun boleh
my all time fav is full cream fernleaf
been drinking milk from this brand
since i was born into this world
tapi for second trimester ni try similac mom pula
sebab dia high in folic acid, calcium and iron
you guys boleh try free sample dulu
just register dekat website abbott, here
kalau rasa okay dan sesuai, then boleh beli

4) Panty Liner, any brand
this one is for vaginal discharge
which pretty common during pregnancy
so i need this!

My second trimester symptoms
1) Baby kick
first experienced this during my 14w
masa tu maghrib, tengah tengok tv
tiba-tiba rasa macam ada orang jentik
jentik-jentik manja gitu dekat perut
and i was like
'is my baby starts kicking now?'
then terus lah bagitau redha
redha cakap, its too soonnn sayang
turned out it was really a baby kick
sebab bila refer dekat baby's app
katanya seawal 15w dah boleh feel baby movement
but mine was a little bit early!
bila dah 20w sekarang ni memang baby dah aktif
asyik tendang-tendang je
especially at midnight
so far tak rasa sakit lagi bila dia tendang

2) Disrupted sleep
terganggu sebab akan bangun banyak kali
untuk ke toilet
even though before tido tu tak minum air pun
then kadang-kadang tido sakit pinggang
maybe posture tak betul
so far still boleh tido terlentang bila 20w ni
maybe in future dah kena tido mengiring
tunggu masa je ni
but i hope i can sleep well sampailah bersalin
and dont need for u-shape maternity pillow tu
sebab benda tu kan besar, makan space
semak je atas katil queen hahaha

3) Keputihan
nurse cakap keputihan biasa bila pregnant
mine ada bau and warna yellowish white
ever since first trimester
and texture dia milky
tapi nurse just suruh minum air banyak
so far dah try ubat insert yang KK bagi
tapi sehari dua je hilang
then dia datang balik
dah try juga makan yogurt
tapi macam takde effect je
so cemana tu?
kena bagitau nurse lagi lah next checkup

Apepun, will update more soon
if there's additional essential / symptoms

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