Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Ipoh Trip : Platform 9 3/4 & Tido Fish

earlier this month, 3-5 June 2022
we went to Ipoh
it was actually my belated birthday trip
and it was my 4th time to Ipoh (already?)
punya lah suka Ipoh sampai pegi banyak kali dah
ni trip yang kedua dengan redha
our first trip to Ipoh masa belum kahwin huhu
so kiteorang bertolak dari KD dah tengahari
sebab check in hotel sekarang at 3pm
and we basically arrived at Ipoh at 3pm
it took us almost 3 hours juga untuk sampai Ipoh
tapi before check in
we stop by Platform 9 1/2 for high tea
tak lunch tetiba dah high tea hahaha

the location of cafe dekat concubine lane
so alang-alang pegi cafe tu
memang jalan sekali lah dekat concubine lane tu
masa dekat entrance
waiter dah pesan siap-siap
kalau nak masuk kena beli something
tak boleh masuk untuk bergambar je lol
cafe tu jual cakes & drinks je
so we had a slice of oreo cheesecake
and a glass of cookies & cream frappe
cost us rm30 for the meal
boleh tahan mahal ye
oh and plus rm10 for the robe, scarf & wand rental

Basically cafe ni ada 2 tingkat
kena order and pickup order dulu before naik tingkat atas
tingkat atas tempat untuk dine in
tingkat bawah memang ada counter
tempat untuk bergambar and sewa robe je
i personally think that this cafe
lagi cantik compared to Harry Potter Cafe dekat Penang tu
tapi cukup lah untuk sekali pergi hahaha
make sure pegi dengan kawan-kawan baru best bergambar
apepun thanks husband layankan wife bergambar
despite of anak tengah merengek nak tido huhu
begitulah hidup sekarang ni

Then, kiteorang gerak ke DePark View Hotel for check in
location hotel ni agak jauh juga dari Ipoh town
around 20min?
tapi dekat dengan tasik cermin tu, 5min je
pilih hotel ni sebab baca review bilik dia spacious & selesa
memang betul gais!
walaupun shoplot je tapi bilik besar & bersih
dekat tepi hotel ada kedai makan cina & family mart
memang asyik keluar masuk family mart je haha

Malam tu kiteorang dinner dekat Tido Fish
we went there lepas maghrib
memang kosong takde orang
dah macam i booked the whole cafe for us
this cafe famous sebab glow in the dark
makanan dia ashe-ashe je


Sunday, June 26, 2022

Hello Ricoh!

 it was 12 june, sunday
 when we bought our new camera
 at YL camera, PJ33 building
 it was my first time pegi PJ33
 never knew the building existed before
 wah rupanya ada ali muthu ah hock!
 Kalau tau dah lunch dekat situ je
 instead of pegi sushi king the curve
 yang tetiba closed for dine in
 tapi ada je customers dine in duhhh
 and we ended up had our lunch
 dekat the chicken rice shop the curve

 Redha decided to sold his Fujifilm
 sebab he thinks it was for professionals
 and he didnt even got time pun
 nak amek street photos lepas ada anak ni
 and i never really used his Fujifilm
 sebab rasa complicated nauu
 nak kena adjust iso and shutter speed manually
 sayang memang sayang
 we bought it first hand kot
dekat berjaya times square
 for rm5900 two years ago
 and he managed to resell the camera for rm5600
 to chinese couple from carousell
 sehari sebelum kami beli Ricoh

 Kenapa Ricoh?
 Actually before he bought Fujifilm
 he already considered for Ricoh
 dia concern on built in filter dekat camera tu
 yang kita boleh customized
 tapi Ricoh ni cons dia battery cepat habis
 that was why he decided to buy Fujifilm back then
 Ricoh pun tak murah ye
 around 4k juga
 but the one we just bought ni second hand je
it was a good deal lah, rm2900 je
 size dia kecik je muat masuk poket
 and tak complicated
 just tekan button capture je hahaha
 that is more likely suitable for us right now
 sebab nak travel ni
 kalau ada anak kecik kan susah
 mana nak pegang anak
 nak pegang camera lagi
 nak set up timer lagi
 ini boleh mendatangkan kemarahan
 last-last malas ah bergambar
here is a few shots from Ricoh
 that i captured masa bawa Haqi jenjalan petang
 not bad kan?

 Bye Fujifilm
 hope your new owner will appreciate you better


Covid Fighter

Alhamdulillah kelmarin dah habis home isolation
and tengahari semalam singgah Klinik Anda
just to make sure betul-betul negative covid
alhamdulillah me and redha dedua negative
but our condition still coughing
haqi pun sama
rasanya berjangkit dengan mommy dia kot
sebab tido sesama tapi ok lah
takde teruk sangat batuknya
hope for speedy recovery very soon!
Selama seminggu kena covid ni
apa yang kita boleh belajar adalah
the covid virus are still there
walaupun tak se-hype dulu hahaha
fyi the average daily cases are 2000 plus kot lately
tu tak termasuk dengan
orang yang tak declare covid dekat mysejahtera app

Tak sangka ye
lepas 2 tahun bergelumang dengan covid ni
akhirnya terkena juga kecewa betul
rasanya kena dekat sushi king the curve
sebab we went there for dinner
rabu lepas on 15 june
the restaurant agak tertutup
and air circulation dia teruk
then balik dari situ tak terus mandi
and baju tak basuh some more
then i started to have sore throat on Friday
it worsen on Saturday morning
perit gila tekak bila telan air liur
and redha tiba-tiba demam panas bila bangun tido
then redha suruh buat self test
turned out i was positive covid and dia negative
his result turned positive on self test day 3
his condition worse than mine
dia demam panas, sakit tekak, pening kepala
hilang selera makan
all he could do was terbaring je

Nasib baik both of us tak sama sama teruk
kalau tak siapa pula lah nak jaga haqi huhu
redha took the guest room
while me & haqi took living room & master bedroom
then haqi pula started demam
lepas maghrib on my second day tested positive
tido malam tu setiap sejam bangun nangis
temperature 38-39
even dah makan ubat demam kesian sangat
the next day hari ahad
seharian nak menempel je
mommy tak dapat nak buat house chores
makan semua kena order selain menempel
haqi asyik tido je

Second day haqi demam tu
mommy dah start lap-lap badan haqi dengan air
 biar badan sejuk bila kena angin
 alhamdulillah the mild fever lasted only for 24 hours
lepastu dah tak demam
 tapi suam suam badannya
 mommy still bagi dia antibiotik
 sampai day 5 & ubat demam
 mandi pun dengan air lemon
 cite pasal air lemon
 on my first day tested positive 18 june
 i was updating my story on instagram
 regarding our condition yang kena covid ni lah
 and asked for everyone prayers
 then suddenly one of my ex classmates
 from uitm kota bharu DM-ed me
 asking for my address
 because she wanted to send over
 some lemons & coconut water
 dah malam kot time tu pukul 10pm
 and it was raining outside
 so i asked her to send it tomorrow morning
 but she insisted to send it right away
 then tau tau dah ada depan pintu pagar rumah
 Allah sebak betul masa tu
 dah lah palm spring ni leceh sikit
 visitors tak boleh masuk malam-malam
 kena park kereta kat luar pagar
then dia jalan kaki masuk
 cari bangunan cari rumah semua
 hm rasa menyusahkan betul
 Allah what did i do to deserve this kindness
 from someone yg i tak rapat pun
 sebak lah caniii
 for me, hanya family or best friends je
yang sanggup buat macam ni
 but instead i received it from a friend yang tak rapat pun

semoga Allah balas jasa baik yana manan 
ika doakan yana sekeluarga 
sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki
dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik
sehingga akhir hayat aminnnn
then boss & colleague redha pun
ada send over fruit basket
untungnya redha ada boss & colleague yang baik
hoping for mine in the future pun
dapat yang baik baik macam tu je
apepun for now
please make doa for our speedy recovery okay
memasing tinggal batuk je
