Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Half Month Ex-Gratia

hari ni company bagi ex gratia
ex gratia ni macam bonus
tapi bukan bonus
kalau company claimed bonus
maksudnya company performed well
bila everything went well during these days
nanti tak dapatlah bantuan dari government
that's why company taknak declared bonus
but declared ex-gratia to the staffs instead
nampak tak permainan geng finance?
ex-gratia ni more to sumbangan dari company
tak dapat banyak pun
half month gaji je
tapi syukur lah ada dari takde kan?
apepun, alhamdulilah
boleh lah buat angpau bagi orang tua cny nanti


My First Ciskut

 Hi gais!
okay selain burnt cheesecake
i also made ciskut for the first time
sebab dah ada lebihan bahan kek tu
so guna je mana yang ada
resepi ciskut pun senang je

Here goes the recipe
1) blendkan :-
250g tartura cream cheese
1/2 tin susu pekat manis
2 sudu susu dutchlady
2) celup biskut hupseng satu satu
dalam susu dutchlady dan
susun buat lapisan pertama dalam bekas
(guna 3 tingkat je biskut hupseng)
3) tuang dan ratakan adunan cheese atas biskut
4) tabur nestum
5) ulang step 2-4 sampai siap

senangkan? ha itulah dia
selamat mencuba!

My First Burnt Cheesecake

 Hi gais!
so i made a burnt cheesecake
succeeded on my first attempt huhu
i only use a blender and an air fryer
percaya lah, semua orang akan berjaya
on their first attempt buat kek ni
sebab memang senang gila

Here goes the recipe
1) blendkan :-
250g tatura cream cheese
2 biji telur
1 penutup botol esen vanilla
125g emborg whipping cream
2 sb tepung gandum
5 sb gula
2) alaskan baking paper dalam loyang
3) tuang adunan dalam loyang
4) bake 180c selama 25min
5) tunggu sejuk dan masuk peti ais

ha senangkan?
confirm helok je kejadian dia
kita buat yang senang-senang je
kalau suka manis, lebihkan lah gula
kita yang control rasa dia
dah, pasni dah takpayah beli
kita buat sendiri je huhu
nikmat gila makan burnt cheesecake sejuk-sejuk!


Friday, January 22, 2021

6th Maternity Checkup

Hai gais
so yesterday 21/01/21
i had my 6th maternity checkup
kandungan pun dah 25w which is 6 bulan
appointment at 9am
just a regular checkup
masuk klinik je terus timbang berat
berat sis 65kg ye kali ni
belum breakfast sebab ingat ada MGTT
rupanya takde pun
nasib baik dah beli karipap rm2 luar klinik
after timbang berat, terus buat urine test
the result came out normal
no sign of protein and glucose in the urine
then proceed to hb test
kali ni hb sis rendah ye, 10.2 je
so nurse amek darah dekat lengan

Next, terus masuk consulting room
set for next month's appointment
which is on 18th feb, 8am
next appointment tu memang banyak benda
ada MGTT, ada tetanus shot (kancing gigi),
ada baby scan and also
nurse akan ajar untuk kira gerakan baby
tapi appointment kali ni punya
memang takde apa sangat
pukul 11.30am dah boleh balik
sekian itu saja
sebelum mengundur diri
terima lah video babykick 25w ni


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

2nd Anniversary

 Hi gais!
semalam genaplah usia dua tahun berkahwin
dan jadi seorang isteri kepada
muhammad redha firdaus
selama dua tahun berkahwin ni
kami lebih kenal perangai each other
improved side yang partner tak suka
i have also improving my cooking skill
dari taktau masak langsung
kepada masak hari-hari kat dapur
sedap tak sedap tu
redha dari 75kg masa kahwin ke 83kg sekarang
itu taktau lah cemana kalau
dia memang dapat wife yang pandai masak

Honeymoon at least setahun after kahwin ni
memang dalam our family planning
we agreed not to have a baby right after kahwin
sebab memang nak spend time for each other
while my other close friends semua lepas kahwin je
masing-masing terus pregnant
life orang semua lain-lain kan
masing-masing ada pilihan
lets not compare our life with others

So for yesterday's lunch
we just tapau nasi beriani ayam madu
from hameediyah for RM27
we didnt had nasi beriani for almost a year
last time makan nasi beriani pun dekat hameediyah
tapi time tu pergi hameediyah for dinner
and nasi beriani dia tak sedap
sebab ayam keras and kuah terlalu banyak
impact dari tu dekat setahun tak makan nasi beriani
plus, taktahu kat mana nasi beriani sedap
dekat area kota damansara ni
then we went to bakeybites's
to pickup nutella cheesetart and mini cake
sekarang owner dia dah ada shoplot unit
dah takpayah pergi rumah dia dekat PPRKD dah is my favorite homemade baker
refer ig dia dekat sini okay

oh ya actually before went to hameediyah yesterday
we stopped at satu kedai
only 100m from hameediyah
and redha asked me to wait in the car
i thought he went to car workshop
and from the car's side mirror
i saw he was waiting in front of the flower shop
then tears started to well up in my eyes
terharu! cepat-cepat lap
redha tak pernah bagi bunga ya sepanjang kenal
sebab dia tau i prefer other things than flower
but there is no woman who doesnt like flowers
betul tak? hahaha
sweetnya redha ni
cantik bunga nya, ada tiga kuntum
kalau dia beli sekuntum je pun
it's already make me happy huhu

Then belah petang
we got dressed up
to have our anniversary photoshoot
hari mendung betul sikit lagi nak hujan
tapi kami gigih ya, keluar juga rumah
cari port untuk photoshoot
at last, pergi rooftop sunway nexis je
sebab dekat dengan rumah dan kat situ takde orang
photoshoot dalam sejam pastu balik
itulah cerita dia

Happy 2nd anniversary redha sayang
to many more happy years to come
i loved you then
i love you still
always have, and
always will!

Monday, January 11, 2021

Happy 13th Birthday, Aqilah!

 Hi gais
so after visited my niece
we went back to MIL's at ampang
kali ni balik ampang awal sikit
sebab ada birthday celebration aqilah
aqilah is redha's cousin's daughter
the celebration started at noon
jadi memang balik tu terus pergi makan
the main dish was nasi ayam
then desserts ada creampuff, caramel cheesetart
and roti sarang lebah
semuanya tempah from my SIL's MIL
who happened to be caterer
jadi senang lah, order je
there were also 2 types of birthday cake
which is gula pandan melaka and red velvet
semua makanan sedap gila
too bad that my stomach feels full too quick now
so need to wait for round 2
makanan semua sedap gilaaaa
that was actually how i spent
the rest of my saturday
makan, makan dan makan

Happy 13th birthday aqilah!
belajar pandai-pandai
semoga segala impian dan cita-cita tercapai
live your life to the fullest and
dont let your parent and guardian stops you!

oh ya
i also did makeup on aqilah's mom yesterday
walaupun tak full face
sebab tak bawak semua barang makeup
what do you think?
cantik tak? hewhew


Siti Adra Fatima

Hi gais
sabtu lepas, which is kelmarin
i went to visit my niece for the first time
singgah kejap je
sebab nak balik rumah MIL dekat ampang
nasib baik adra dah bangun
angah and her wife looked tired and
lack of sleep, obviously haha
adra surprisingly so friendly
she likes smiling to everyone
she is so cute, even when sneezing
umur baru nak masuk 3 bulan tu
mama said she resembled my face
when i was a baby
she has a single dimple too, just like me
and she smells like abah

To siti adra fatima
selamat membesar menjadi anak yang solehah
sentiasa sihat, dikurniakan akal fikiran yang bijak
dan akhlak yang baik
sentiasa menyenangkan hati abah & umi
semoga sentiasa dalam rahmat dan lindungan Allah
nanti maklong & paklong datang jenguk lagi ya
we love you!


Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Cara Kira Zakat ASBF 2020

Hi gais
need to make this entry
so that i can refer it again in the future
hari ni i made a zakat payment
zakat saham to be exact
bayar dekat sini je senang
first time bayar zakat saham ni
sebab tahun lepas dah ada ASBF
let me show how to calculate zakat ASBF 2020

ASBF - RM199,000
kadar patuh syariah 2020 - 74.5%

Cara kira zakat
ASBF = (dividen x kadar patuh syariah) x 2.5%
= 8917.28 x 74.5% x 2.5%
= 166.08

so total payment is 166.08
how about ASB?
ASB pun kena bayar zakat juga
tapi ikut nisab tahunan
nisab ASB tahun 2020 ialah 15,762
so kalau dalam akaun ASB korang lebih 15,762
kena lah bayar zakat juga
cemana nak kira zakat ASB?
refer di bawah

ASB - RM20,000
kadar patuh syariah 2020 - 74.5%

Cara kira zakat
ASBF = (jumlah duit x 2.5%) +
(dividen x kadar patuh syariah) x 2.5%

= (20,000 x 2.5%) + (1,400 x 74.5% x 2.5%)
= 526

jadi total payment is RM526
got it?
hope this helps you guys too!

Cont WFH!

 Hi gais
so isnin kelmarin 4jan
tetiba dah kena kerja dekat ofis
barai lah juga sebab
kan baru sampai dari kelantan hari sebelum tu
pastu dah tiga bulan wfh, since 12/10/20
dekat 3 bulan lah juga tu
rasa malas gila tetiba kena masuk ofis
dah lah boss tukarkan ke team A
seperti sedia maklum
xox ni buat alternate week untuk staff bekerja
sebab nak jaga sop
kalau semua bekerja tak cukup space
i was actually being assigned into team B
team B best gila sebab
satu takde bosses
dua sebab semua melayu
happening gila bekerja tanpa pengawasan
tapi tulah tu
ada teammate melayu yang asalnya team A
nak juga merasa masuk team B
so to be fair, boss terpaksalah switch me and Jiha

Being in team A for the first day
takdelah rasa teruk sangat pun
ramai juga yang tak masuk ofis
boss memang ada depan mata
senang kalau nak refer apa-apa hal
ececeh positifkan diri hahahaha
lepas tiga bulan tak kerja kat ofis ni
seronoklah juga masuk ofis dapat bersosial
ada Jiha kat depan mata
boleh bergosip tengok-tengok dah pukul 5pm
tapi keriangan kami berganda!
sebab.. tetiba je dapat email dari hr
katanya esok sambung wfh until further notice
kalau follow cmco, might be until 31 mac
seharian jela kat ofis ni
anggap jela lawatan
kot lah dah lupa rupa ofis hahaha
kalau macam ni lah gayanya
tahu-tahu memang sampai sis delivered lah
bagus juga sebenarnya

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Detail Scan Murah di Shah Alam

 Oh ya
second entry of the day
sebab nak cerita pasal detail scan
that i went through last wednesday, 30 december
hari yang sama nak balik kampung tu
thats why i said started journey at 11am
and we were from shah alam
semua sebab detail scan appointment ni lah
i chose Klinik Aurora Bukit Rimau sebab
they currently have scan promos
believe it or not
for details scan is only RM100!
i suggest you guys to have 5D details scan
because it is only RM130!
but you need to wait for baby to be 25w
(and i cannot wait hahaha)
dia ada dua lagi branches
satu dekat Bandar Tropicana Aman
satu lagi dekat Seksyen 13
sepatutnya nak buat dekat new branch seksyen 13
located near to aeon shah alam
but they said they only started to do scan on 31st Dec
 and i dont want to postpone my appointment
to the date that i go back to kl
itu yang pergi bukit rimau
even though a lil bit far from our house

The clinic located near to aeon bukit rimau
never went to bukit rimau before
and never knew the existence of aeon bukit rimau
clinic tu dekat shoplot
tak ramai orang pun masa pergi tu
nurses and doctor are all muslim and perempuan
the details scan took an hour and went well
alhamdulillah baby sihat dan cukup sifat
doctor pun explained dengan jelas dan baik
at the end of the appointment
i got a CD (havent see what's inside yet but
i guess maybe the video of baby movement)
gambar baby black&white and details scan report
the gender of baby was once again confirmed to be a boy
will come back for 5D scan when baby turns 28w soon!
(if only the promo still ongoing)
please checkout their facebook here
to know their latest update!


Balik Kampung

Hi gais
so rabu lepas sampai ahad
i went back to my hometown at kelantan
30/12/2021 until 3/1/2021
i actually didnt take any leave
so it was kinda work from highway 8 hours
and work from kampung haha
sayang nak guna cuti bila wfh ni
sebab nanti bila dah kerja kat ofis
banyak je hari yang kita nak amek cuti
so our journey went back kampung was smooth
the weather was nice all the way
we started our journey at 11am from shah alam
we took LPT and arrived kampung safely at 5pm
basically dekat kampung tu
memang kerjanya makan dan makan je

The next day on thursday
which is the last day of 2020
me and my husband were busy at fizi's studio
there was a company photoshoot at that day
so after taken nasi goreng cina mama for breakfast
we went to studio right away
it was near to 11am when we arrived at studio
waiting for other cfs team members to arrive
dan juga waiting for them to get ready
get ready means makeup and dressup
most of them girls were mua
so they just simply did each others makeup
my turn was during lunch time
around sejam lah juga Linda makeup kan
they were very good at natural makeup
i looked so natural with the makeup on
(read : a bit pale hahaha)
the photoshoot started at 3pm
lenguh juga jadi model rupanya
kena berdiri static, pose and senyum
anddd everything settled at 5.30pm
sedar tak sedar memang tak sempat lunch pun
then we went back home right after because
we had family dinner at night
i was super hungry and cant wait to have dinner

Malam tu we went out to have new year's eve dinner
at four seasons restaurant
we ordered siakap stim masak kicap
sayur campur, ayam masak lemon,
ayam masak sweet sour and
not to forget, tahu sizzling
semuanya habis licin!
the total damage was only RM188.88
murah kan? i love kelantan! hahaha

The next day on friday, new year
we just stayed at home
sebab cuaca dah start sendu
mendung all day tapi tak hujan pun
mama cooked nasi kaomok with ayam merah for us

and we also had maternity shoot depan rumah
aisya jadi photographer tak berbayar
later i show the pictures okay?
maybe in the next entry
the pictures are still in the editing process
then later at night, we went out for dinner again
we went to medan selera pantai irama
to have satay! yummy

Cuaca still tak bagi kerjasama hari esoknya
mendung dan hujan sangat lebat malam sebelum
but we still went out for late lunch
kali ni destinasi lunch pilihan adalah
ayam percik yatie!
it was redha's first time to have nasi kerabu there
memang sedap gila nasi kerabu nya
lembut je nasi and
ayam percik dia memang marvelous! *chef kiss
sentiasa jadi pilihan sampai bila-bila
malam tu abah belanja dinner
sebab esoknya pepagi dah nak gerak balik kl
so abah tapau tomyam, telur bungkus,
sayur campur dan ayam paprik
from a kedai at Jelawat
it was sooo good
masakan kelantan ni semua sedap!

The last day at kelantan
we started our journey at 7.30am
decided to take LPT as well
dengan harapan sampai pukul 2pm di damansara
because waze told us so
bila dah sampai besut tu
dah start hujan renyai-renyai
dan memang tak berhenti sepanjang jalan
i read awani's warning tweet the day before
pasal amaran hujan di pantai timur dah start
and only end on 6/1/2021 which is tomorrow
disebabkan hujan kejap lebat kejap renyai
so redha terpaksa lah slow kan speed
bila dah sampai around gambang
LPT tutup and divert us to exit gambang
katanya highway dekat maran flooded
so okay takpelah kita lalu jalan dalam
the thing is jalan dalam dekat gambang tu banjir!
banjir yang sangat teruk juga
ada jalan yang we wade through flood water
and it caused our car's plat no broken
risau je kalau enjin masuk air dan kereta rosak
we tried every alternative roads dekat gambang
and they were all flooded with water
waze memang tak membantu!
kita kena baca sendiri update dari waze users
banyak juga kereta-kereta park tepi jalan
maybe waiting for hujan reda and air surut
risaunya kalau terkandas dekat kuantan
dah lah hari esoknya kerja
rasanya around dua jam juga lah stranded
then i asked redha pusing balik lpt
sebab nampak one of waze users commented
bagitau pusing balik lpt
alhamdulillah kebetulan air dah surut ke kl
even jalan a little bit congested and delayed in time
tapi atleast dapat lalu kan?

Maran memang banjir teruk
banyak rumah yang dah ditelan air
hujan still tak berhenti even dah sampai kl pun
we safely arrived home at 4.30pm
dalam keadaan yang sangat lapar
sebab belum lunch
nasib baik ada bekal nasi kaomok mama
thankyou mama! you are the best!
(and thankyou for pokok pandan as well haha!)
malam tu pukul 10pm dah tido
keletihan seharian dalam kereta
alhamdulillah syukur ya Allah semuanya selamat
takpayah lah balik pantai timur
lagi-lagi time musim tengkujuh ni, bahaya
